Defective Product Attorneys
It is not always the driver of another car that causes injury; sometimes it is the failure of a car part, a tire, a set of brakes or an air bag. The defective product can be anywhere — in a drug or medical device, in a food item, in a child’s crib, in a toy or in an import from another nation. The defect may be in the manufacturing, in the design or in the instructions that came with the product.
Car Defects Attorneys ∙ Defective Airbags ∙ Defective Brakes
Every day, defective products cause lacerations, burns, sicknesses, blindness, hearing loss, poisonings, disfigurement, explosions and wrongful death.
When defective products lead to serious injury, it’s time to talk with the lawyers at Douglas Jennings Law Firm, LLC. We utilize resources with special expertise in evaluating possible cases against the manufacturer, distributor, supplier, retailer and other parties responsible for dangerous products.
Defective Product Lawyers
When a product causes large-scale harm to large numbers of consumers, our civil justice system allows for the bringing of class action suits, representing many people in a single legal action. We are members of the American Association for Justice, and we network frequently with some of the nation’s best class action lawyers for plaintiffs.
The Douglas Jennings Law Firm, LLC, conducts most personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis. This means that you pay us nothing unless and until we produce a positive outcome for you. So there is no risk whatsoever in discussing with us the quality of your case.
No matter how you were injured or what kind of product was involved, our experienced attorneys offer a free initial consultation to discuss your case.
When you need a skillful defective product lawyer, call Douglas Jennings Law Firm, LLC, in Bennettsville, South Carolina, at 843-535-4714 or toll free 800-639-8078. You may also write to us using this online form. We are eager to hear your story.